...solo chi è cosi folle da pensare di cambiare il mondo...
...potrà cambiarlo veramente...

giovedì 22 aprile 2010



"I DON'T HAVE A STORY AND I'M NO ONE. I JUST WANT TO MAKE SHOES WITH A FUCKING ROCK SPIRIT": “Kamæleon” is a project to create custom handmade shoes; the project is nothing, the planning is everything. Customizing means the need for change, personalization; destroying what’s original to make something better out of it, making something alive and with its own personality. It's a rock & roll attitude because it’s close to the real world. There’s no real reason to make shoes, the problem comes and you justlook for solutions..... the problem has gotten into your mind and is driving you crazy. Around the mid 800’s shoes named “CAMALEONTE” were born, and those were characterized by the visible colors and interchangeable accessories, truly “Mutant”s. It is not by chance that those who lived around the late 800’s knew anything about it. They believed that shoes, particularly those with heels, would cause mental insanity. In fact, the shoes being always in touch with the ground is far way beyond from the brain. By that, “Kamaeleon” discovered that only in the emptiness was it going to find its own true color

CaSa di MiNeA

La Casa di Minea, nasce nell' Ottobre 2004 come showroom, ma anche come studio di consulenza, ricerca e styling.
Collabora con varie aziende nel campo di moda e design prestando la sua esperenza nello studio di materiale, nello sviluppo delle collezioni e delle diverse fasi della produzione


Chantal Michaux

Biologa di origine belga, convince e contagia con il suo entusiasmo e la passione per la saggezza orientale, le terapie dolci, lo studio dei chakra, il benessere mentale e le medicine alternative, che ella stessa pratica ... appassionata di arte sta esprimendo le sue emozioni con le mani... il nostro unico compito é guardare ....

domenica 11 aprile 2010

Cloudy Floral Fashions 'The Yesterday Skin' Brings Vintage Pieces to Hong Kong


Nothing can flesh out a fashionable wardrobe like vintage pieces can, yet in places like Hong Kong where superstitions reign, used clothes are hard to come by. This is why ‘The Yesterday Skin’ is a godsend for style hogs.

Founded by Eileen Chan, The Yesterday Skin label revamps vintage fashions for today’s use. As seen from the photos in the gallery above, the pieces range from flowy to structured and from colorful to tame.


Dietro le illustrazioni che ritraggono Karl Lagerfeld e Vivienne Westwood e innumerevoli scene delle passerelle d'alta moda troviamo JEAN-PHILIPPE DELHOMME